Sunday, December 12, 2010

Ionic compounds

By: Kamil Heerji and Jack Leonard

Power Bar
1. Calcium Phosphate – Ca3(PO4)2
2. Potassium Phosphate – K3PO4

Special K Protein Bar
3. Salt – Sodium Chloride - NaCl
4. Calcium Carbonate – CaCO3
5. Zinc Oxide – ZnO

Purina Beneful(dog food)
6. Potassium Chloride - KCl
7. Zinc Sulfate – ZnSO4
8. Manganese (II) Sulfate – MnSO4
    Manganese (III) Sulfate - Mn2(SO4)3
9. Copper (I) Sulfate – Cu2SO4
    Copper (II) Sulfate – CuSO4
10. Calcium Iodide – CaI2

Morton’s Iodized Salt
11. Potassium Iodide - KI

Centrum Performance Multivitamin
12. Magnesium oxide - MgO
13. Sodium selenide – Na2Se
14. Ammonium chloride – NH4Cl

Campbell’s Chicken Noodle soup
15. Ferrous (iron) sulfate – FeSo4
16. Sodium phosphate - Na3(PO4)

Clean and Clear Face Wash
17. Sodium hydroxide - NaOH
18. Iron oxide – Fe2O3

Sensodyne Tooth Paste
19. Potassium Nitrate – KNO3
20. Sodium Fluoride - NaF

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Exam Review

7.)Describe the different principles that govern the building of an electron configuration.

The Pauli Exclusion Principles states that the orbitals can only hold 2 electrons, and the electrons must have an opposite spin because, it minimizes repulsions between the electrons(can never have the same spin in one orbital).

The Aufbau Principle states that electrons occupy orbitals of the lowest energy first, for example the 4s orbital fills before the 3d orbital.

Hunds Rule says that if their are multiple orbitals the electrons have to fill 1 electron in each orbital before an orbital gets its second electron.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Cathode Ray Discovery of the Electron

J.J. Thomson was experimenting with the cathode ray tube and figured out there is a smaller particle than the atom. Then after his discovery scientist came up with the name electron for this particle smaller than the atom. Even though we discussed this in class I thought it would be interesting to dig  deeper into the experiment of the cathode ray tube. I have made a Prezi with the information I have found.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


I picked salt as my household product. I observed physical properties and some chemical properties. I used salt because everyone has salt in their house and I am pretty sure it will not cause an explosion of any sort.

Physical Properties
1. It is a clear to white color
2. It is a powder when not mixed with a liquid
3.Density is 2.16 g/cm
4. When I froze salt for 2 hours, nothing happen to the salt it stayed at its powder form
5. Its melting point is 800.8° C

Chemical Properties
1. I mixed salt with water and the salt dissolved and the water was still clear.This mixture became a homogeneous mixture. 

2. I had synthetic malt vinegar, which is like a dark brown color, and mixed
 it with salt. The vinegar became a little bit lighter and the salt completely dissolved. This mixture became a homogeneous mixture.
3. Then I mixed salt with Dawn antibacterial soap. Even when i stirred it the salt did not dissolve in the soap. This mixture became a heterogeneous mixture. 

4. When I heated up only salt the salt was still powder, but the color of the salt changed to a dark red. 

5. Then I heated up salt and vinegar on the stove. The vinegar boils faster with the salt inside the vinegar. Salt makes the boiling point of a liquid come at a lower temperature.

Citations of malting point and density: